- Война Лицемеров
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I would like to join those questioning the liberal right for the males to keep their foreskin intact or not to - along with those questioning the clitorises; if we DO have equal male and female rights, why should we not protect the right for the foreskin to be left alone? It is purely natural part of male anatomy. Or would this question discomfort and offend other religious groups, not just Muslims? And these are the groups you would prefer not to offend?
You know the Roman law system around the beginning of the A.D. had a special clause protecting all free citizen as well as the slaves from any unnatural and unnecessary mutilation, which included the foreskin, of course.
And it took a special Imperatorial decree to allow the Jews and only the religious Jews, not their slaves, to have the foreskin removed, which at the same time precluded the Jews to become full Roman citizen, without, curiously enough, an earnest attempt to restore the foreskin, by a specially devised operation, which involved stretching and elongating what was left, because, you know, the Roman citizen has to look like a compete human being.
And how about some broader question about the true Judaism altogether, not the private, relaxed cherry-picked pork eating marginal version the liberal academia seem to espouse?
Is the true Judaism in any way that different from the true Islam, except that it has no such thing as an active proselytizing and forced conversions, and as this sort of hermetically sealed religion with no fresh hyperactive members it has mellowed down into something relatively harmless, sort of a private multi-tiered club within the rest of the Western society? But still do the Jews within that club devalue the lives of non-Jews on a massive scale and reject some of the key liberal values not that differently as the Muslims devalue the lives of non-Muslims and reject the key elements of a liberal society? The only difference is that the Jews are acting in Jewish group interests, while the Muslims are acting in their own in-group interests, while ignoring the interests of the rest of the society that harbors them much the same way? Again, I am talking about real religious types, not the individuals with their own truncated adaptation of Judaism to their extremely well established individual freedom space.
For example a free speech with pointed critique toward Judaism and Israel, not hateful, just seemingly unfavorable interpretations of historic facts, often attract a label of antisemitism which is extremely harmful for some academics, like historians, reputation. So that most of them avoid that sort of free speech by default?
Was the mass importation of millions of Jews into the United States a mistake, that made the US somewhat less liberal? Could we openly discuss that without attracting the wrath of ADL?
And one for sure may find many quotes from the Jewish sacred texts expressing the extreme hatred and contempt for non-Jews, pretty much every other nation, and the startling difference with Islam that this hatred follows not only the religious, ideological divide between the Jews and non-Jews, but also an ethnical one. One may argue that there are many quotes of respect and peaceful co-existence with other nations and religions to be found within the Jewish sacred texts, yes, I do agree with that. But this is the same argument that put forward by the liberal Muslims and that you tend to reject quite correctly pointing that the peaceful ones do not cancel the hateful ones at all. And I agree with the notion that unless the whole Islam doctrine is interpreted in some poetic, indirect fashion that would allow individual to understand the hateful quotes in a totally different, non-divisive context, as some sort of strife for individual purity and sublime religiosity, - much like the Sufi -
-- but then why we should not set the same requirement for the Jewish religion to shed all the contempt for the non-Jewish neighbor and to stop giving a fellow Jew all sorts of preferential treatments? Is that the Jews are an integral part of the political establishment and make the top of nearly the all the existing social hierarchies, while the Muslims are mostly on the outside at the bottom of them, and only begin their climb? What is it, if not the blatant hypocrisy?
Judaism though in its mainstream core is as literal as Islam, and as illiberal too.
One may argue that this is purely historical and has nothing to do with the recent attitudes of Israelites and Jews around the globe. Not quite so. I have recently read the first-hand account of some Russians with somewhat smaller proportion of Jewish heritage and the wrong genetic line (father being a Jew, mother is of some different ethnicity) living in Israel. Very current, 2016 experience.
They are not considered Jews by the true Jews, the religious ones. They are "goyim" and as such they are treated as a bit not quite human as well. There was an example of a zealous Jewish mom looking for a temporary girlfriend for her pure-bred Jewish son, and as she is forbidden to spoil the Jewish girls, to take their sacred virginity, she suggested that the Russian goyim girl would have sex with her son until he finds a true Jewish wife, because, you know, it is healthier that way than to practice masturbation or go to the prostitutes. Guess how this proposition made the Russian girl feel and how she responded.
On a top of it, the Israeli government and the Israeli law seems to somehow support this bigoted attitudes of the true Jews, recognizing only the religious marriages, provided within the Judaism, and so that the goyim girls with non-Jewish mothers plan to travel to some European country, get married and come back. Oddly enough, most of the chose to get married in some historical Jewish synagogues, like in Krakow, honoring their Jewish heritage, - while at the same time being rejected by the Jews and the Jewish state alike.
Meditate on it for a while.
I would put forward even more dangerous proposition: the whole Political Correctness and was much instigated by the groups either inspired by or copying the ADL tactics of shaming and effectively shutting down all public discussion in the west about the Jews and Israel, while promoting multiculturalism when it seems fit to advance their own group interests by making the Anglo-Saxon liberals to accept Jews and Jewish culture as a part of their inner family circle and the political establishment. The victim card of Holocaust is readily pulled out when someone is perceived as an attacker of Jewish group values.
It is hard to find any difference between the kosher and halal food and the way the animals are slaughtered are nearly identical, yet the Halal certification is widely condemned, certainly down here in Australia there is a trend going, while no critique exists, virtually none whatsoever of the Kosher meat industry. Perhaps it would be condemned as an Antisemitism with all the industrial efficiency, not even attracting our attention.
By applying the same effective tactics to the less advantaged groups of people the apparent hypocrisy of the antisemitism and selectively preferential multiculturalism seemed to be somehow balanced with other apparent hypocrisies and biases, so we have a War or at least an Olympic game of variously biased hypocrites as a result at the moment, and this is what PC is all about. If we have a Jewish faith, way of life, cultural values and group interests that are practically forbidden to criticize, because you know, it is Fascism and Holocaust, then why not having Muslim faith under equal protection; it would somehow balance our act and make us a little less preferential, in our treatment of one faith and one group at the expense of the other. This would signal our virtue, not just to the Israel, but also to the whole Muslim world, and that's where we are seeking our new friends and alliances, isn't it? So it is practical too.
The only enemy these hypocrites seem to be able to unite against is a white, Caucasian, heterosexual male. These sort of lowly people are not allowed to have any group interests whatsoever! And this is why European civilization and the Western liberal values are eroded bit by bit. Not just by Feminists, not just by Muslims, but by any minority group willing to use that same dishonest tactics.
I am not going to blame Jews for that, but to acknowledge the problem and start the backward trend would be helpful, especially if such a selfless effort would be coming from a Jew, who actually experienced prosecution, - yet, still does not subscribe to this comfortable, if somewhat hypocritical victim narrative.
On a side note did you hear about Russophobia? The Russians picked that easy-to-use hypocritical victimology a few years back, and the current propagandists working for Mr. Putin are actively using it. Very funny, if it would not be so scary for some people. Would Russophobia become a legally prohibited offence in the US, Canada and Australia? Let's see, there could be some new political developments just around the corner. Few thousand Ukrainians are already dead, because, you know, they were Russophobes, and the conflict goes on between them and the pro-Russian militia, but who counts these simple folks?