Савелий Балалайкин (balalajkin) wrote,
Савелий Балалайкин

Also this
" The left always wins because there is never anyone more certain than the fanatic. "
not sure if they are fanatics. To me they look more like comfortably appointed frauds, living well within the Managerial system.
Their enemies might be fanatics though. Fanatic is ready to make personal sacrifices for his convictions. A century ago the Left had fanatics, ready to suffer and make ultimate sacrifices. Nowadays the Left has won and no fanaticism is needed. Similarly, early Christianity had many fanatics seeking martyrdom. Centuries later the Church had many frauds seeking rent, while fanatics were to be found on the opposite side.
Fraud has conveniences, not convictions. The convenient righteousness of the Left is in the moral core of the current Managerial system.

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